OPINION: Why January Jones Needs to Go Away

"Lost" producer Damon Lindelof saw "X-Men: First Class" over the weekend and, on the whole, liked it. But Lindelof had something to say about the acting skills of January Jones.

"Emma Frost's THREE mutant powers: Telepathy, Transformation to Solid Diamond and last but not least, Sucking at Acting," Lindelof tweeted.

This morning, Lindelof apparently woke up with some regret. "I need to stop saying mean things on Twitter. #MORNINGAFTER," he tweeted.

I say this to Lindelof: not in this case, you don't. You were absolutely right.

For those who saw "X-Men: First Class," you probably noticed it too: every member of the cast, especially Michael Fassbender, turned in a fantastic performance, except for one. January Jones stood and delivered each of her (thankfully few) lines with an unequalled air or boredom. It's a shame, too, as Emma Frost is one of the more interesting characters in the comic book world, one with a strong attitude and many layers (though not of clothing). Oh, and she's supposed to be British.

So why Jones even in this movie if she couldn't handle the role? A source close to the casting process told me that Alice Eve, who was originally up for the role, was fired because she was "too fat" to pull off the outfits (which, if you've ever seen Alice Eve, is absurd. But that's a topic for another day). Thus, Jones was brought on as a late replacement.

Jones rose to stardom from relative obscurity due to her role on "Mad Men." In the show, Jones actually does a good job playing Betty Draper, so why couldn't she turn in a performance in "X-Men?" The likely explanation is this: the role of Betty Draper is perfect for Jones, to the point where it seems tailor-made. Betty is cold, closed off, and increasingly jaded, which suits Jones' acting style (blink, fake smirk, deliver flat line) perfectly. She got lucky, in that she got to play herself. Now people think she can act, and she gets roles that could go to other, better actresses.

There has been talk of continuing the "First Class" story in movie form, in which case we might continue to see Jones in this role. But if ever there's been a good reason for a casting change, this is it. I put out the call to casting directors everywhere: stop this madness. Make her go away, please.

Of course, maybe I'm just upset with her because she was rude to Zach Galifianakis.